A good forestry management plan is vital to ensure a healthy forest.  

Trees do have a life span, and the forest at Pattee is fast approaching that time. The tree canopies are stunted, tree growth in general is stunted, and the forest is so dense that very few saplings grow from the forest floor. 

The Campton Conservation Commission is working with a local Forester and a local Logger to revitalize the Pattee Forest for future generations.

A shelterwood cut is under way, which leaves some strong healthy trees in place. Then a portion of the forest will be cut, with treetops and branches placed on the forest floor. This will provide nutrients for the soil, protection for small wildlife, and open plenty of sunshine for new growth.

Trees from the cut (mostly white pine and a few hardwoods) will go to a mill to create building materials, with proceeds going into the Campton Conservation Fund. 

Once completed, the Conservation Commission will provide educational opportunities for school groups and the community to walk the property and learn more about our plans and good forest management practices.